Thursday, March 04, 2004

My scary goal

*This was originally posted to my private website, but moved here after I started this blog.

A new goal of mine this year is to stretch myself every month by doing something that is scary to me. In February, I fulfilled that goal at my day-job by helping to conduct a customer training session for a software product.

This month, I’m stretching myself by offering my query letter for a public critique by an editor at the Windy City Writers Retreat this upcoming weekend.

Can you tell that what is scary to me involves putting myself in a public situation? It’s a fear I’m tired of having, and one I don’t see as being in line with my career goal, which is, of course, being a multi-published author.

My skin is pretty tough already when it comes to taking critiques on my written work. Now I need to toughen it up when it comes to putting myself in public situations. I’ll let you know how the critique goes, and perhaps I’ll even publish my query letter on this site if it passes muster.

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