Monday, March 08, 2004

Windy City Writers Retreat

*This was originally posted to my private website, but moved here after I started this blog.

The Windy City Writers Retreat last weekend went really well. The speakers were all highly motivating and I, personally, accomplished three goals.

1) I had my query letter critiqued.

Members of the chapter submitted query letters ahead of time for the editor to review in front of the group. She said that all the letters that were sent in were excellent.

The very last letter she read was MY letter. I was in a cold sweat, heart racing. But I paid attention and took notes. And it went VERY well.

2) I have an invitation to submit a partial to an editor.

3) I have an invitation to submit a partial to an agent.

So, with my query letter pretty much ready to go, I guess I need to get those partials out the door.

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