Friday, November 20, 2009

A Moment Caught: Mr. November 2010

Mr. Thor is going to be a calendar boy. One of these two photos (or a crop there of) has been selected to be the November photo in the BARC 2010 calendar. BARC is the Bernese Auction Rescue Coalition, from which we adopted Thor five years ago.

I'm not sure which photo was selected. I like the vertical one better, but I'm guessing the horizontal works better in a calendar.

These photos were taken in November 2007. I tried to capture a similar series this year, but the fall wasn't quite so pretty. See the photo of Loki and Thor below.

To order your own calendar, which is full of photos of lots of adorable Bernese Mountain Dogs, go to the BARC fundraising page or here.

1 comment:

  1. I love these dogs...I didn't know there was a coalition. I must check it out. We have a mastiff (cane corso) who desperately needs a companion.

    I enjoyed your photos.


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