Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Signs of spring

And now for some polite banter about the weather...

Yeah! It feels like spring!

We switched to Daylight Savings Time over the weekend, so now the evenings are longer, and we've had a spring "heat wave" of 50s the past few days and into the 60s today.

Most of the snow has melted, although it has been a really ugly and soggy process, revealing a lot of dirty snow mounds, snow salt residue, and dormant grass and trees.

I guess you had to be here in February, with all the snow and really cold weather, to really appreciate the beauty of this "heat wave". How nice it is to go outside in a light jacket. And how nice it is to sit at my desk and swelter in the heat because the air conditioning isn't turned on yet. (OK, that part isn't so nice, but it is tolerable.)

Now for the reality check. The first day of spring isn't until next Wednesday, and anytime between now and May 1 we could be dumped on with a whole lot of snow. A whole lot. But at least it usually melts quickly this time of year.

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