Thursday, October 30, 2008

You shall not pass

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This bronze bull used to stare at people from the old gate to the Chicago Union Stock Yard. It dates to 1865. Now it stares at people from its perch on the wall in the Chicago History Museum.

When I got my new camera (Nikon D40X) late last year, I went with friends to the museum and took lots of photos. I didn't want to be obnoxious with my flash, so I spent the entire trip shooting with available light. I love some of the results, especially this photo.

I'm participating in the Thursday Challenge today with the theme 
"Shiny (Bright, Reflections, Polished, Glistening, Sparkle, Metal)".
Click here for more about the Thursday Challenge and to view other participants.


  1. I like how the eyes look. The shadows and light came out just right!

  2. Bull's eye! Have a great weekend :)


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