As they explain on the Photojojo time capsule website:
"Now everyone and their aunt Sally's got a digital camera, and you don't take a few photos at a time, you take a few dozen. You may even take a photo every day. But every photo's still precious. And it's kind of sad that when you take so many photos, you tend to forget that. That's why we made the Photo Time Capsule. Photo Time Capsule won’t let your best photos be forgotten."It seems to me that something similar could be said for blogging. So, I thought it might be nice to implement a time capsule for The Beacon starting this week, and then running every Sunday.
Unfortunately, I didn't pick the strongest week to start, as I was on a blogging hiatus one year ago and focused on my Dad's death the other year. But, no matter, I have to start somewhere.
A Beacon time capsule
A year ago, I was blogging about:
I was on a blogging hiatus.
Two years ago, I was blogging about:

Prior to that:
This blog didn't yet exist, and I haven't back-posted anything relevant.
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